you're who you're

'love bears all things,hope all things, endures all things,LOVE NEVER FAILS' :)
love is is doent not is not is not rude,it is not self-seeking,it is not easily angered,it keeps no record of wrongs,love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth it always trusts,hopes and preserves :)
words of GOD

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Go the next BLOG ~PLEASE.

Thank you,i'll leave this page:)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

its holiday time !

   minggu nie merupakan minggu xam,tp tde last important paper[mathematics].uhh--" susah yoo,aku guna senapang ptah bwat.hahaha. and then cgu pun gna senapang tmbak aku blek.mmg susah sbb aku xckup tdo dan blik aku pun trok skali,dari 'lovelyroom' change into 'untidyroom':3 hahaha.xda masa laaa,dhaa ckup stress ngan study.and i hope God will settle down my gank problem,huhh~aku xtaww laa spa yg slah sbna,dri phak ini laen cta,pihak ituu laen cta.
  Gwai mood bebe!!!!!!!! xam vs holiday and holiday tetap akn mnang.'semangat' sangat nk gwai sbb pnat study:) ksian tgok muka gank class bwat xam,mcam2 prangai and suka sangat gelak,bkannya lucu pun tp nak jgak ktwa puas2. ngekk~hahaha. i'll go back to my hometown this saturday and may God bless our journey,buat kwan-kwan yh slalu dkat di hati,hati2 di jlan raya k,ingat org tersayang:Di miss my mom and dad soo muchh.Tp,no one know apa yg akan happen esok,so aku cuma serahkan pda Tuhan jakk.[God bless!] yeahman!Tengkiue for everythings You have done on us.
 M.i.s.s.i.n.g ?? im gonna miss my besties!!!always be...and should be... :3 everyone wait for this holiday rite?just let God set the time and i dont know what to say,im too xcited for holiday.. hahaha:) k,God bless us always! aku nak g kmas blik japp,ada hari jmpa lge...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

i should smile

         Hi,my name is Shalvia San Bermas Ak Nyanggah.Just call me Shal or Vieaa[like Danylle call me].Im 15years old,still young and sexys.hehehe.~study at Smk Kidurong,Bintulu,in class 3KT2~with the talkactive people and almost of the time scold by all teachers but we just make blurr and blank and sometime ‘take note’.I love to eat chocolate and home’s cooks,love to drink Green-tea and ice-blended.Love to sing,dance,walk around in town,make a new friend,lpak with friends tp xbuat bnda jae,and lpak with family members..sharing any fun story,love to laugh and smile.i don’t like people judge my life,busybody be a stalker.judge yourself 1st before finding others mistake.i love cute friends,who can understand me more than myself,can share with me bout God,spending the time when im need them. J Our friend’s treadmark is naughty2 bcause we are who we are and not pretending to b other people.we love to candid picture,laughing like no one care,wanna b crious in June cuz taking xam in this year,PMR~OMG…. Hope can get *******stars.[amen]
My lofe full with joys,sufferings,sadness,and complicated moments.I didn’t hav any brother and sister.Just got my lovely mom and dad:D nobody know what im going through and what I feel when im alone or without my dad and mom.I want to tell them everythings but sometimes I did wrong on them then I just keep my mouth shutup L[sorry mom,dad]but,my Almighty Father know everythings bout me and He heals my broken-hearts so that I can continued my life as He can give me breath in this unfair world.No one can out from the sin,so that is me.Sometime I don’t know how can I b too ‘Jae’ and forget what I aim for my life.But God knock my head for everytime I regret,and im know He never give-up to let me know the rite way.And kdang2 bla org tgur saea,saea skit hti sbb saea bkan sperti yg d sangka.Saea xpernah jwab spatah pun cma hti saea yg berbisik mgatakan ‘Sbar Shal Sbar’.ada yg btol2 bkenan ngan hidup saea,saea akan ingat smpai bla2 pun.Tp,klau bnda yg d sangka ituu bkan bkenan ngan hdup saea,saea akan ‘rbut’.Apabila saea gmbira,muka saea akn pancarkan chaya.Tp,air muka ituu akn brubah serta-merta jika sesuatuu yg saea xinginkan terjdie.Tp,Tuhan mha adil.Dea xdak akn mguji kta lbih dripda yg kta dpat tanggung.Ya,saea mungkin sdah brubah w/p xdak 100% tp dgan kuasa Tuhan saea akn brubah sperti yg Tuhan ingini.Saea mndengar sgala lgu rohani sbb hti saea akn tenang,dan saea bkan mnunjukkan saea reborn dgan cra ituu.Saea bkan mgutuk Org yg xdak sma greja dgan saea,cma ingin thuu knpa ssbuah greja xdak sma.Yg pasti,Greja yg sbnar ada dlam hti tbiat mnusia lmah.Tuhan thuu apa yg saea rasa cma saea xdak tunjukkn.Saea bkan mnusia yg smpurna,xdak pyah mcari kslahan saea.Buat yg slalu mnegur,Tengkiue  from the bottom of my heart,I really appreciate it.I know who Im in Christ.
And I know too every moment I awake God is here with me.Tengs,GodJ for each day You give to me.I still remember how I feel when a guy hurt me.Ouchh!Soo sad:D but God know what happen to me and now He give me the way!Im happy bcause there no more broken heart.hahahaJ The best moment is with my big-family members,we share some fun-funny-scary-crious story.Love them soo much!muachhaaa:D God will protect all of us,don’t worry just pray.He will answer us.I know it,,Iloveeveryonethatlovemeinreturniloveuall! Please love me too,I don’t like to b alone.W/p saea suka pmdam msalah and skrg saea sdg cuba utk share2 ngan org[bak kata “Sharing is Caring”.hehehe]I jist don’t want people pujok memujok saea when saea mrakok[pndai kerr saea mrajok??:)]mcam they’ll x ikhlas nak pjok.btw,Im cool if u all want to know.I got many friends with plbgai rgam.ihhss~Don’t judge people.
I think,that’s what I want to do by today.Tengs once more again God bcause You open-up my mind to luahkan sgala yg tbuki di hati slama ini.Saea syg smoa org yg syg saea.Smoga Tuhan mberkati kta smOaJ “Aku serahkan driku kpda jagaan-Mu,Engkau akan myelamatkan aku,Ya Tuhan Allah yg setia-mazmur31:6” God bless!!
                                                                                           ShalJ exodus1414

Saturday, May 7, 2011

a tired day.

1st at all,i wanna say to the world.... "BNTUT SAEA SKIT!!~!" heheheh.sbb xdok langsung td.seawal 5.15 saea dha bngon pg tde untuk JUALAN AMAL 1MALAYSIA KHIDMAT MASYARAKAT SIVIK.even x untung bnyak,ktaorg happy dan dapat tunjukkan yg 3KT2 dpat co-operate ngan baik skali.then,dpat pkey bju tradisional.xslap saea 2nd time saea pkey bju tuu.huahuahuahua :D bolee laaa,,i celebrate my bufday tonite,awal 1hari xpa kan?cuz tomorow parents saea blek ke tmpat kerja.huhuhu~bhgea saea 1week niee,,,,smoa m'happykan saea.i hope dapat bnyak hdiah:) mgada2 laa plak.btw,saea cuma harap 1day saea dapat prove saea bolee bjaya cam org laen jgak.then dpat apa yg saea inginkan.amen. Tuhan ituu mha adil,He heals the broken-heart!! yeah dats is me... dhaa,ngantok niee,,,, gudnite! GBU'LL

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

im coming back to heart of workship

lama x on9 sbna. btw,shalom people. idk what to say now. feel lonely too muchh.and i knoe God knocked me once more again last 3days.Lpas niee adakah Dea akan bukakan mta saea skali lg?adakah Dea pnat mlihat kerenah saea?adakah Dea xdak mhu lgi menegur saea? adakal saea menyesal sngat2 and saea agak keterlaluan.Idk whether people lain dapat rasa apa yg saea rasa,Ya mmg bna saea manusia ada masanya saea mhu lbih dripa ituu. Tuhan tahu sgala2nya. terima kseh Tuhan kerna Engkau tlah mbukakn skali lgi mta,hati dan minda saea.walaupun saea sdar smoa ini adalah kerana saea. Tp,,Tuhan ituu maha mengetahui. Smoga Xam yg akan dtang,Dea bersama saea dan akn sntiasa memberkati hari2 yg akn dtang. smoga juga dapat lulus dgan cemerlang. Amen. and bout 1thing,,pleasee lett it away from me God,it just NONSENSE!! why do i should care for sumone dat didnt c howw worry im to __ ?yeah. just a frend. :) i understand dat. NO HP NO CHATTING. xam is more important. i'll do the best in every subject.  its raining and i should go :) i love  u a lotss God!! and when im alone,,i always miss u :( dont let me alone God.. im too afraid standing in this world without U by my side. 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

love this moment

shaloomm people:) it was Easter's Day!i woke up early this mornimg eventhough lastnite sleep lmbat.hehehe.i miss my sis,cuzz long time not see and lapk sma ngan dea.we join KTB in SIB's church last two days also my bebeb ikot sma,Chris.and have fun too tired started by last week.there no time for me to know what myself want.and as mr.A said,i cant find "myself".i dont know why and myb im too busy with my school day and i forget "myself".i njoy my FIRSTIME FASTING!! tengs a lotssss God... and njoy my holy weekend.and i found many people in RP dat can share with me about God.Tengs God for everything U have done for us and show us the right wayy:) Bless all of us and xspecially those having a problem today,gve them STRENGTH.and those who still sick xspecially my papa&my grandpa,bless them O Lord.and for my fmily members,my fellow friends,my revo's team,my school and me myself,dont let something bab happen to all of the name of Jesus Christ,i pray..AMEN! :)and for me,,i know im too lazy tomorrow.. school week and xstra class. i hope im not the one who teacher will blme.ahaaa!! i love u God and i miss u a lotsss!!!!!!!!!!! 

Friday, April 15, 2011

aku adalah generasi pemenang!

5.30p.m in the friday's evening,me nina chris vee and cath arrived at c-milajau's beach.eehaaa!!we waited for that moment too long and noww our heart beated too fast.happy and xcited:)we register our name and put our things in the hostel.then,,walk along the road taking some pictures,hehehe.eventhough time tuu chris&me,our emo-c is not okee.many of us got a lots of trouble during the way to this camp,but praise the Lord,we've been together for 3days 2nite.we take our bath and dinner,then "sesi suai kenal",divide into team.kelemahlembutan,sukacita,kasih,penguasaan diri,kesabaran.xp xsma gank,,ada knalan-knalan bru jga:)i loike my team soo muchh bcuzz we got D'neyl to make we laugh.hahaha:D we slept area 2.30a.m at the hostel,urhh~~cool:/
2nd day,,woke up early in the morn,brush teeth and sitdown kat luar take a deep breath:)waa~~cool bebe~waited for others to woke up,1st at all,,pray and doing some exercise-saat teduh-breakfast-take saat teduh,,we learned bowt how to pray.i cry that morn,too feeling:(guess what?until noww we kit and we've our own team in school.MAY GOD BLESS OUR RELATIONSHIP TILL THE END OF THE WORLD!amen.we take our rest for 1hours and i felt too sleepy+.+.xp ktaorg d'kejutkan dgan para plajar dri UPM~mreka spatotnya tnggal di dlam blik tmpat ktaorg bkumpul and ktaorg p dpor kutip duit sewa the next chalet and PRAISE TO THE LORD!! we've our own chalet:D we sing a songs in dpor and woowww!!!!!!!njoy hbis!![CWITTT MEMORYY WITT ALL OF YOU] we transfer to the next chalet and go to our room in tingkat bwah,,xbnyak kta 1room:) cmoa sporting.we've our sukaneka .maen tpung-mnum cola-maen tnam people dlam pasir-haha,,one more time Dann jd mangsa.pas tuu Dann blas demdam,aku jgak yg kna.hehe~then,the best part MANDI LAOT!!hmpir2 cmoa ikot.and i really love the pic of us.You with us God,i know ot.healing time comes,my bebe shaking and i cant stop cry,cry for the sins that i've done before,but i dont care anymore now cuxx im REBORN!!sis hugg me during the nite.i just can say"God,forgive me!!!!!"we go for sharing xp people smoa sleepy face--" too..felt so tired... go bed.. zzzzZZZ -.- sleep!
third day..[i dont want to go home:(] i got my eyes'back,,whahahaha..bro Diego say"bngon,bngon,bngon"hehehe. smoa bngon and xcercise-p beach-saat teduh~we share bowt  what we felt in the camp.then,we played the game.yaehman!i love it! healing time!OMG. You come to me adn make me fight the Evil. i SPEAK IN TONGUE! and i shaking--"people will not blieve it and me too.its really make me believe in God no matter what happen and i want all Christian go with me,,with Him.i just scream ''YESUS'' :) then,,i feel hungry.yg terakher,we njoy our day with our gank,,tking some crazy pic:P and this gonna b my cweett memory..tengs God for opening my hearts!Guide me and i obey You. i love YOU GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go the next BLOG ~PLEASE.

Thank you,i'll leave this page:)

its holiday time !

   minggu nie merupakan minggu xam,tp tde last important paper[mathematics].uhh--" susah yoo,aku guna senapang ptah bwat.hahaha. and then cgu pun gna senapang tmbak aku blek.mmg susah sbb aku xckup tdo dan blik aku pun trok skali,dari 'lovelyroom' change into 'untidyroom':3 hahaha.xda masa laaa,dhaa ckup stress ngan study.and i hope God will settle down my gank problem,huhh~aku xtaww laa spa yg slah sbna,dri phak ini laen cta,pihak ituu laen cta.
  Gwai mood bebe!!!!!!!! xam vs holiday and holiday tetap akn mnang.'semangat' sangat nk gwai sbb pnat study:) ksian tgok muka gank class bwat xam,mcam2 prangai and suka sangat gelak,bkannya lucu pun tp nak jgak ktwa puas2. ngekk~hahaha. i'll go back to my hometown this saturday and may God bless our journey,buat kwan-kwan yh slalu dkat di hati,hati2 di jlan raya k,ingat org tersayang:Di miss my mom and dad soo muchh.Tp,no one know apa yg akan happen esok,so aku cuma serahkan pda Tuhan jakk.[God bless!] yeahman!Tengkiue for everythings You have done on us.
 M.i.s.s.i.n.g ?? im gonna miss my besties!!!always be...and should be... :3 everyone wait for this holiday rite?just let God set the time and i dont know what to say,im too xcited for holiday.. hahaha:) k,God bless us always! aku nak g kmas blik japp,ada hari jmpa lge...

i should smile

         Hi,my name is Shalvia San Bermas Ak Nyanggah.Just call me Shal or Vieaa[like Danylle call me].Im 15years old,still young and sexys.hehehe.~study at Smk Kidurong,Bintulu,in class 3KT2~with the talkactive people and almost of the time scold by all teachers but we just make blurr and blank and sometime ‘take note’.I love to eat chocolate and home’s cooks,love to drink Green-tea and ice-blended.Love to sing,dance,walk around in town,make a new friend,lpak with friends tp xbuat bnda jae,and lpak with family members..sharing any fun story,love to laugh and smile.i don’t like people judge my life,busybody be a stalker.judge yourself 1st before finding others mistake.i love cute friends,who can understand me more than myself,can share with me bout God,spending the time when im need them. J Our friend’s treadmark is naughty2 bcause we are who we are and not pretending to b other people.we love to candid picture,laughing like no one care,wanna b crious in June cuz taking xam in this year,PMR~OMG…. Hope can get *******stars.[amen]
My lofe full with joys,sufferings,sadness,and complicated moments.I didn’t hav any brother and sister.Just got my lovely mom and dad:D nobody know what im going through and what I feel when im alone or without my dad and mom.I want to tell them everythings but sometimes I did wrong on them then I just keep my mouth shutup L[sorry mom,dad]but,my Almighty Father know everythings bout me and He heals my broken-hearts so that I can continued my life as He can give me breath in this unfair world.No one can out from the sin,so that is me.Sometime I don’t know how can I b too ‘Jae’ and forget what I aim for my life.But God knock my head for everytime I regret,and im know He never give-up to let me know the rite way.And kdang2 bla org tgur saea,saea skit hti sbb saea bkan sperti yg d sangka.Saea xpernah jwab spatah pun cma hti saea yg berbisik mgatakan ‘Sbar Shal Sbar’.ada yg btol2 bkenan ngan hidup saea,saea akan ingat smpai bla2 pun.Tp,klau bnda yg d sangka ituu bkan bkenan ngan hdup saea,saea akan ‘rbut’.Apabila saea gmbira,muka saea akn pancarkan chaya.Tp,air muka ituu akn brubah serta-merta jika sesuatuu yg saea xinginkan terjdie.Tp,Tuhan mha adil.Dea xdak akn mguji kta lbih dripda yg kta dpat tanggung.Ya,saea mungkin sdah brubah w/p xdak 100% tp dgan kuasa Tuhan saea akn brubah sperti yg Tuhan ingini.Saea mndengar sgala lgu rohani sbb hti saea akn tenang,dan saea bkan mnunjukkan saea reborn dgan cra ituu.Saea bkan mgutuk Org yg xdak sma greja dgan saea,cma ingin thuu knpa ssbuah greja xdak sma.Yg pasti,Greja yg sbnar ada dlam hti tbiat mnusia lmah.Tuhan thuu apa yg saea rasa cma saea xdak tunjukkn.Saea bkan mnusia yg smpurna,xdak pyah mcari kslahan saea.Buat yg slalu mnegur,Tengkiue  from the bottom of my heart,I really appreciate it.I know who Im in Christ.
And I know too every moment I awake God is here with me.Tengs,GodJ for each day You give to me.I still remember how I feel when a guy hurt me.Ouchh!Soo sad:D but God know what happen to me and now He give me the way!Im happy bcause there no more broken heart.hahahaJ The best moment is with my big-family members,we share some fun-funny-scary-crious story.Love them soo much!muachhaaa:D God will protect all of us,don’t worry just pray.He will answer us.I know it,,Iloveeveryonethatlovemeinreturniloveuall! Please love me too,I don’t like to b alone.W/p saea suka pmdam msalah and skrg saea sdg cuba utk share2 ngan org[bak kata “Sharing is Caring”.hehehe]I jist don’t want people pujok memujok saea when saea mrakok[pndai kerr saea mrajok??:)]mcam they’ll x ikhlas nak pjok.btw,Im cool if u all want to know.I got many friends with plbgai rgam.ihhss~Don’t judge people.
I think,that’s what I want to do by today.Tengs once more again God bcause You open-up my mind to luahkan sgala yg tbuki di hati slama ini.Saea syg smoa org yg syg saea.Smoga Tuhan mberkati kta smOaJ “Aku serahkan driku kpda jagaan-Mu,Engkau akan myelamatkan aku,Ya Tuhan Allah yg setia-mazmur31:6” God bless!!
                                                                                           ShalJ exodus1414

a tired day.

1st at all,i wanna say to the world.... "BNTUT SAEA SKIT!!~!" heheheh.sbb xdok langsung td.seawal 5.15 saea dha bngon pg tde untuk JUALAN AMAL 1MALAYSIA KHIDMAT MASYARAKAT SIVIK.even x untung bnyak,ktaorg happy dan dapat tunjukkan yg 3KT2 dpat co-operate ngan baik skali.then,dpat pkey bju tradisional.xslap saea 2nd time saea pkey bju tuu.huahuahuahua :D bolee laaa,,i celebrate my bufday tonite,awal 1hari xpa kan?cuz tomorow parents saea blek ke tmpat kerja.huhuhu~bhgea saea 1week niee,,,,smoa m'happykan saea.i hope dapat bnyak hdiah:) mgada2 laa plak.btw,saea cuma harap 1day saea dapat prove saea bolee bjaya cam org laen jgak.then dpat apa yg saea inginkan.amen. Tuhan ituu mha adil,He heals the broken-heart!! yeah dats is me... dhaa,ngantok niee,,,, gudnite! GBU'LL

im coming back to heart of workship

lama x on9 sbna. btw,shalom people. idk what to say now. feel lonely too muchh.and i knoe God knocked me once more again last 3days.Lpas niee adakah Dea akan bukakan mta saea skali lg?adakah Dea pnat mlihat kerenah saea?adakah Dea xdak mhu lgi menegur saea? adakal saea menyesal sngat2 and saea agak keterlaluan.Idk whether people lain dapat rasa apa yg saea rasa,Ya mmg bna saea manusia ada masanya saea mhu lbih dripa ituu. Tuhan tahu sgala2nya. terima kseh Tuhan kerna Engkau tlah mbukakn skali lgi mta,hati dan minda saea.walaupun saea sdar smoa ini adalah kerana saea. Tp,,Tuhan ituu maha mengetahui. Smoga Xam yg akan dtang,Dea bersama saea dan akn sntiasa memberkati hari2 yg akn dtang. smoga juga dapat lulus dgan cemerlang. Amen. and bout 1thing,,pleasee lett it away from me God,it just NONSENSE!! why do i should care for sumone dat didnt c howw worry im to __ ?yeah. just a frend. :) i understand dat. NO HP NO CHATTING. xam is more important. i'll do the best in every subject.  its raining and i should go :) i love  u a lotss God!! and when im alone,,i always miss u :( dont let me alone God.. im too afraid standing in this world without U by my side. 

love this moment

shaloomm people:) it was Easter's Day!i woke up early this mornimg eventhough lastnite sleep lmbat.hehehe.i miss my sis,cuzz long time not see and lapk sma ngan dea.we join KTB in SIB's church last two days also my bebeb ikot sma,Chris.and have fun too tired started by last week.there no time for me to know what myself want.and as mr.A said,i cant find "myself".i dont know why and myb im too busy with my school day and i forget "myself".i njoy my FIRSTIME FASTING!! tengs a lotssss God... and njoy my holy weekend.and i found many people in RP dat can share with me about God.Tengs God for everything U have done for us and show us the right wayy:) Bless all of us and xspecially those having a problem today,gve them STRENGTH.and those who still sick xspecially my papa&my grandpa,bless them O Lord.and for my fmily members,my fellow friends,my revo's team,my school and me myself,dont let something bab happen to all of the name of Jesus Christ,i pray..AMEN! :)and for me,,i know im too lazy tomorrow.. school week and xstra class. i hope im not the one who teacher will blme.ahaaa!! i love u God and i miss u a lotsss!!!!!!!!!!! 

aku adalah generasi pemenang!

5.30p.m in the friday's evening,me nina chris vee and cath arrived at c-milajau's beach.eehaaa!!we waited for that moment too long and noww our heart beated too fast.happy and xcited:)we register our name and put our things in the hostel.then,,walk along the road taking some pictures,hehehe.eventhough time tuu chris&me,our emo-c is not okee.many of us got a lots of trouble during the way to this camp,but praise the Lord,we've been together for 3days 2nite.we take our bath and dinner,then "sesi suai kenal",divide into team.kelemahlembutan,sukacita,kasih,penguasaan diri,kesabaran.xp xsma gank,,ada knalan-knalan bru jga:)i loike my team soo muchh bcuzz we got D'neyl to make we laugh.hahaha:D we slept area 2.30a.m at the hostel,urhh~~cool:/
2nd day,,woke up early in the morn,brush teeth and sitdown kat luar take a deep breath:)waa~~cool bebe~waited for others to woke up,1st at all,,pray and doing some exercise-saat teduh-breakfast-take saat teduh,,we learned bowt how to pray.i cry that morn,too feeling:(guess what?until noww we kit and we've our own team in school.MAY GOD BLESS OUR RELATIONSHIP TILL THE END OF THE WORLD!amen.we take our rest for 1hours and i felt too sleepy+.+.xp ktaorg d'kejutkan dgan para plajar dri UPM~mreka spatotnya tnggal di dlam blik tmpat ktaorg bkumpul and ktaorg p dpor kutip duit sewa the next chalet and PRAISE TO THE LORD!! we've our own chalet:D we sing a songs in dpor and woowww!!!!!!!njoy hbis!![CWITTT MEMORYY WITT ALL OF YOU] we transfer to the next chalet and go to our room in tingkat bwah,,xbnyak kta 1room:) cmoa sporting.we've our sukaneka .maen tpung-mnum cola-maen tnam people dlam pasir-haha,,one more time Dann jd mangsa.pas tuu Dann blas demdam,aku jgak yg kna.hehe~then,the best part MANDI LAOT!!hmpir2 cmoa ikot.and i really love the pic of us.You with us God,i know ot.healing time comes,my bebe shaking and i cant stop cry,cry for the sins that i've done before,but i dont care anymore now cuxx im REBORN!!sis hugg me during the nite.i just can say"God,forgive me!!!!!"we go for sharing xp people smoa sleepy face--" too..felt so tired... go bed.. zzzzZZZ -.- sleep!
third day..[i dont want to go home:(] i got my eyes'back,,whahahaha..bro Diego say"bngon,bngon,bngon"hehehe. smoa bngon and xcercise-p beach-saat teduh~we share bowt  what we felt in the camp.then,we played the game.yaehman!i love it! healing time!OMG. You come to me adn make me fight the Evil. i SPEAK IN TONGUE! and i shaking--"people will not blieve it and me too.its really make me believe in God no matter what happen and i want all Christian go with me,,with Him.i just scream ''YESUS'' :) then,,i feel hungry.yg terakher,we njoy our day with our gank,,tking some crazy pic:P and this gonna b my cweett memory..tengs God for opening my hearts!Guide me and i obey You. i love YOU GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!